Managing and viewing network-level post types and taxonomies

Creating and managing items Managing network-level post types and taxonomies is going to be a very familiar process. It is almost exactly the same steps as you are already used to, but is done from the network admin for your multisite installation. To get started with a network-level item do the following steps: Viewing existing…

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Extending the shortcode builder

Potentially being superseded by focus on Block editor experiences, started in version 1.7.0 Registering a shortcode In order to register a new shortcode for the shortcode builder, you need to provide a function callback to the cptui_register_shortcode() function. This will be the function that should be called at the time of display in the shortcode…

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CPTUI-Extended Compatibility Fixes

Z-index issues with wpDataTables The modal popup appears below the semi-transparent background due to conflicting z-index vaues on a “.ui-dialog” CSS selector. The code below should help fix. Place it in your active theme’s functions.php file. function cptui_mod_css() { ?> <style> .cptui.ui-dialog { z-index: 100102 !important; } </style> <?php } add_action( ‘admin_head’, ‘cptui_mod_css’ );

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