CPTUI-Extended Introduction

Custom Post Type UI Extended

Welcome to the official Custom Post Type UI Extended documentation.

All of the documentation content here for Custom Post Type UI Extended relates specifically to the extension, and not post types in general. For Custom Post Type UI and post types in general, please see the
Custom Post Type UI section.

Current version

The current version of Custom Post Type UI Extended is 1.4.3 and it was released in March, 2017.

Custom Post Type UI Extended Features

Network-wide post types and taxonomies

If you are running a WordPress Multisite network, Custom Post Type UI Extended will help you create network-wide post types and taxonomies. This will allow you to create a post type or taxonomy in a single location, and have it immediately available for every site in your network. You will no longer have to recreate the same one in each site or update one change for each one. All the while, you can still create post types and taxonomies for specific individual sites.

To begin with network post types and taxonomies, visit your network admin and network-activate Custom Post Type UI Extended before visiting the network admin panel.


Starting with version 1.7.0, we are finally working to convert all of our layouts to be accessible via a WordPress block. This is not presently going to completely replace existing shortcodes previously generated with CPTUI Extended and we are not planning to deprecate the shortcodes. Instead, we are bringing our layouts into modern WordPress content creation and making it easier to insert a layout.

An instant benefit for using the block is re-usability. No longer will you need to click the legacy TinyMCE icon and start over setting all the fields again. Instead you will be able to tweak just that one detail that you want to try out, and also see the results in real time before you even click publish or save.

We will be rolling these out over multiple releases and continue evolving the settings for each layout until we have 100% recreation, so make sure you keep uptodate. If you don’t yet see the layout you want to use in the block, then the shortcode generator is your go-to for the time being.

Shortcode generator

With the shortcode generator, provided by Custom Post Type UI Extended, we have made it extremely easy to display individual post type posts or lists of posts type posts anywhere that you can use a shortcode. We provide a new UI to select the display parameters and click a button to insert the shortcode wherever you want. Once saved, we take care of the rest and display the data you selected.

Extra Custom Post Type UI post types information

To aid in seeing the bigger picture regarding your content, we have added more information to the list of posts for your Custom Post Type UI post types. This extra information includes showing the post type post ID, the author for the post, and if there is a featured image added, a preview of the currently set thumbnail.

Integrated documentation and support

We have made it easy to search available documentation for Custom Post Type UI and Custom Post Type UI Extended right from your WordPress dashboard. No need to try and hunt down the location yourself. You can also start a new support ticket with WebDevStudios to get one-on-one support for any questions you have.

Updated Dec 12, 2022 9:06 PM