BuddyPages Changelog
- Fixed: Load internationalization files earlier to ensure they are ready to be used
- Added: Inline documentation link in Plugin list screen for our list item.
- Updated: Minimum PHP required version to 5.6.
- Fixed: Bug regarding “Allow Members to Create Pages” setting not being respected.
- Updated: Removed legacy HelpScout integration and Google+ Social share link.
- Fixed: Unintentionally missed merging of code related to “can edit” logic.
- Updated: Translation files
- Added: “Add New Page” link next to “Edit” link for more convenient adding of multiple pages at a time.
- Added: Admin notice regarding using the frontend for creating BuddyPages when visiting the editor screen for any BuddyPages based posts.
- Added: Integration with Pluginize’s free “BuddyPress Registration Options” plugin.
- Fixed: PHP notices regarding trying to use a bool value as an array.
- Fixed: Removed “Edit” link display for all users when viewing an “All users” generated page by an administrator.
- Updated: Revised text on save button when editing an existin BuddyPages page. Should now say “Save page”.
- Fixed: Prevent fatal errors if the bp_get_settings_slug function is not available.
- Fixed: Removed early return for group pages that caused some page access issues.
- Fixed: Updated internal Browser.php library to more recent version.
- Fixed: Pencil icon issue for user profile pages when a draft.
- Fixed: Addressed unintended display of draft pages to users who don’t own the page
- Added: Filter for arguments used in group_get_groups function call.
- Updated: Replaced all instances of global $bp with buddypress() function assignments.
- Updated: Many details revolving around internationalization.
- Fixed: Issue with the setting to allow all members to create pages. Only administrators should have been able to by default.
- Fixed: Continued issues with shortcodes in BuddyPages.
- Fixed: Remove PHP warnings around wp_kses() errors.
- Fixed: Touched up styling around messages when no BuddyPages are created yet.
- Fixed: Issues with shortcodes and the BuddyPages post editor.
- Added: Div wrapper and classes around BuddyPages group output.
- Initial release
Updated Dec 12, 2022 8:48 PM