Editing BuddyPages

Editing BuddyPages can be done by clicking edit link above a BuddyPage you are viewing or from the Settings -> Pages list.  Any BuddyPage title in the user navigation with a “Pencil” icon is set to draft status. Draft pages only display  to the author of the page. 

Note: only an author of a BuddyPage can edit their own pages.

A member can see all their BuddyPages from their profile Settings -> Pages. Listed here is all profile and group pages with link to edit. 


To get to the BuddyPages management screen with BuddyBoss, you need to visit the Account Settings section and find the “Pages” listing in the menu shown.

Example URL for BuddyPages management: https://mysite.com/members/USERNAME/settings/pages/

Once there, the same general UI demo’d above should be present, though it may visually look different based on current theme.

Updated Dec 12, 2022 8:56 PM