Migrating Custom Post Type UI settings between installs.
When we released version 1.0.0 of Custom Post Type UI, we added the ability to import and export settings for all of your post types and taxonomies. Not only did this help make your CPTUI settings portable, but it also proved to help with other issues as users created various content types.
You will need at least version 1.0.0 on both sites for this to work
In order to migrate the settings between sites, you will need to take the following steps.
- Visit the Import/Export Custom Post Type UI page in the current WordPress site.
- If you are wanting to migrate post types, select the data in the right textarea and press cmd+c for Mac, and ctrl+c for Windows.
- If you are wanting to migrate taxonomies, click the Taxonomies tab at the top before selecting the data in the right textarea and pressing cmd+c for Mac, and ctrl+c for Windows.
- Log into the new WordPress site that you want to import the settings to, and make sure you have Custom Post Type UI active.
- Visit the Import/Export Custom Post Type UI page and select the appropriate tab based on what you are importing.
- Paste the content into the left side, empty textarea and click import.
- If everything went well, you should now have the settings imported and registering in the new site.
- Repeat as necessary for each site wanting to be imported.
Updated Dec 12, 2022 9:10 PM