Adding post type support for specific features from other plugins.
Some third party themes or plugins have features that can be added to custom post types, but the support needs to be done at the point of post type registration. If a plugin you are using says to add a provided value to the “supports” section of your post type’s registration parameters, this is where you would provide the value. Custom Post Type UI has had an extra field option to allow providing custom “supports” elements since version 1.1.0.

Genesis SEO and archives features
If you are a Genesis theme user, then you may want to add SEO settings and archives support for your custom post types. To do so, you should provide the following two items in the custom “supports” field for each post type you want supported:
- genesis-seo
- genesis-cpt-archives-settings
Once entered, save your post type. After that, the post types should receive support for the features.
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
The “Yet Another Related Posts Plugin”, or “YARPP” for short has built in support with Custom Post Type UI, though is handled differently than above. You will still enter the support for it the same way, but internal code associates the intended support in the proper way so you don’t have to worry about it.
To add YARPP support for the post type, add “yarpp” to the custom supports field.
Publicize support
If you want to add support for the Jetpack’s publicize module, add ‘publicize’ to the custom supports field. More information about Publicize support can be found at
Markdown support
If you want to add support for the Jetpack’s markdown module, add ‘wpcom-markdown’ to the custom supports field. More information about Markdown support can be found at
If you know of any other plugins that have feature support handled this way, let us know and we can get them added to the list.
Instant Articles for WP
Note: if wanting all Custom Post Type UI post types then you will need Custom Post Type UI version 1.3.0 or higher due to the cptui_get_post_type_slugs() function usage.
If you wan to add support for Instant articles via you will need to utilize a filter made available by the plugin itself. This plugin has a different setup than the custom “supports” field highlighted above.
function my_cptui_add_post_types_to_instant_articles( $post_types ) { // Option 1: If you want ALL of your CPTUI items. $cptui_post_types = cptui_get_post_type_slugs(); // Option 2: If you want just some of them. $cptui_post_types = array( 'my_post_type', 'my_other_post_type' ); return array_merge( $post_types, $cptui_post_types ); } add_filter( 'instant_articles_post_types', 'my_cptui_add_post_types_to_instant_articles' );
The code above should not be used as is, but instead a decision made if you want to use ALL post types registered with CPTUI, or if you just want support for specific ones. Option 1 will use all of them, while option 2 requres specifying the slugs to add support for.
Slug field for non publicly queryable post types
If you have a post type set to not be publicly queryable, but still want to have the “slug” field made available to you in the Block Editor, you can pass a value of “slug” to the “custom supports” field. This will re-add the UI to the block editor for that non-public post, and allow you access to the slug field.
This is Block based only, and does not work with Classic editor.